From a simple holiday through to a year away visiting numerous destinations, The Globe Travel Health Centre will make sure you are prepared before you leave.
- We are open on Saturdays as well as weekdays, and if you are still having difficulty finding time to attend, we can usually arrange early or late appointments
- We give advice tailored to your individual trip and based on knowledge and first hand experience. Advice is given after an individual risk assessment which takes into consideration any pre-existing medical conditions, current medications and ongoing treatments, along with your travel itinerary, and your planned activities
- All vaccinations and anti-malarials are in stock, so no waiting while they are ordered in for you…
- Lone travellers – concerns about safety and security whilst travelling alone should not restrict your adventures. Our staff will provide advice on how to remain safe, allowing you to enjoy the unique experiences offered by travelling independently
- Students and gap-year travellers – pushing boundaries and seeking adventure often defines that ‘life changing travel experience’. We are here to help you achieve these ambitions and to come back safely
- Business travellers – Working abroad can put quite different demands on the individual. Busy schedules, jet-lag and foreign foods will all place increased strain on your ability to function well. Our staff understand these pressures and can advise on how to stay healthy and perform to the best of your ability. Whether you need some last minute vaccinations or have a complicated travel schedule, we will fit you in for an appointment that suits your needs
- Visiting Friends and Relatives – You might be surprised to know that most malaria cases diagnosed in the UK in the last 20 years have been in those visiting friends and families. Those visiting friends or relatives are often at greater risk of travel related illnesses due to their itinerary, which might include:
- last minute travel
- travel to more rural locations
- travel to ‘at-risk’ areas for longer
If you are planning to visit friends or family contact us regarding your travel health advice and vaccinations.
The Globe Travel Health Centre can provide you with the vaccinations and medications you need to make the most of your visit and return without any unwanted gifts!
Call us now on 01603 667323 to discuss your travel health needs or book an appointment